Your Daily Dose of Fun

BuzzFeed - lol

Sorry, But There's Absolutely Zero Chance You'll Pass This Weird American Stuff Quiz If You Don't Live In The United States

Appologies to my non-American friends.

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Sorry, But If You've Done 48/70 Of These Things, You're Too Dependent On Your Phone

The irony of you taking this quiz on your phone too.

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I Hate To Break It To You But If You Recognize Any Of These 32 Pictures You Are Officially Old

I don't make the rules. It's just the truth.

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"No One Else In The World Does It": People Are Sharing The Telltale Signs That Someone Is American, And Some Of These Are Painfully Accurate

"To quote a Latvian woman I met on my trip: 'You hear Americans coming like the thunder.'

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If You Can Identify Literally Just Half Of These Pictures, Congratulations! You're Officially Old As Dirt

I'm so sorry to be the one to tell you.

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